Every Coral Club product has a point value. Points for each purchase are summed up, and when you accumulate 500 points for personal purchases and the purchases of those who have signed up under you, you become a Premium Customer. This brings you an additional 10% of the point value of the purchase.

There is no time limit or expiration date for being a Coral Club Customer. We save the Club number of each Club Member, and you can always purchase products at club price.

We aim to achieve our mission to Hydrate the World through our natural products and promoting a healthy lifestyle. In addition to top-quality products that help you maintain and improve your health, Coral Club also offers solutions that can help you achieve financial independence and freedom. Once you have decided that you love our company and the products and the ideas that we offer, there are several ways you can get involved.

1. You can purchase our products as a retail customer through a Coral Club Distributor and enjoy all the benefits that our products have to offer.

2. You can become a Coral Club Member. You will receive a 20% discount off retail prices.

3. You can become a Coral Club Premium Member. You will receive a 20% discount off retail prices as well as discounts toward future purchases.

4. You can become a Coral Club Distributor and combine your passion with opportunity. You will receive a 20% discount off retail prices, revenue from retail sales, as well as bonuses from sales in your organization.

Please see the Coral Club Compensation Plan and Career Guide for full details and explanation on how it works.

Be your own boss

Making the change from an employee to running your own business is a significant one. Working for yourself brings with it inherent difficulties, but through your own personal effort and the support of Coral Club, you will have all the tools necessary to find success. Sharing the products that you love with those around you will bring you not only a sense of accomplishment and pride, but will also put you on the path towards financial independence.

Build your business your way

You might think that to be successful, a small business needs lots of investment or capital. One of the benefits of network marketing is that this is no longer true. To join Coral Club as an Independent Distributor, you need only to get your foot in the door – the rest is up to you. With the support of your Sponsor and the resources of Coral Club, you will learn how to navigate your way through this new opportunity. One of the most important skills you will learn is how to properly network. Business relationships built through personal connections are more stable and more reliable. Coral Club gladly takes on most of the responsibilities for getting you started in your journey, because when one Independent Distributor succeeds, we all succeed. No uniform or office space is required for you to start working. You can begin today!

Career growth

At Coral Club, the sky really is the limit. Your business activities with us won’t be met with dead-ends or glass ceilings, as your career development depends only on you. There is no upper limit to the success you can achieve as long as you try your best and constantly look to improve yourself and your skills.

Learn new skills

For most first-timers in the business world, a lack of necessary skills and knowledge can stop their future career in its tracks. At Coral Club, however, everyone is welcome. The unique benefit of our business is that we understand that everyone is different, both in terms of their personal qualities and their work experience. That is why, starting from your Sponsor who welcomes you to the club, you are always being encouraged to learn, develop, grow, and succeed. Through local meetings with your fellow Independent Distributors, company events, and web seminars from our product experts and company leaders, you will have access to a wealth of knowledge and experience. The Coral Club Business Academy is another fantastic resource, as it offers convenient online training in a format that suits your busy lifestyle. Put into practice what you learn, and you’re sure to find success!

Your success story

Through the Coral Business Academy and various company events, you will hear from some of our most successful Executives on what they have been able to achieve through Coral Club, and what knowledge, experience, and wisdom they have gained along the way. Not only that, they will share with you their personal story, and take you through their own personal paths to success. When hearing from our company leaders, its best to pay close attention, as soon enough that might be you on the big screen!

Teamwork and support

At Coral Club, you won’t find competition – only support. Unlike most traditional business models, our industry improves as a whole when we all succeed. We have worked very hard to establish an atmosphere of providing support to those who need it, when they need it. You will always be able to receive advice and assistance when necessary, regardless of your status in the company.

Business without borders

Imagine expanding your business abroad. What difficulties might you face? They could be finding a local office and employees fluent in the language, adhering to that country’s specific rules and regulations, and of course dealing with the logistics of organizing international shipping. With Coral Club, business without borders means just that – you are not limited to your immediate surroundings when it comes to developing your network. We have representative offices in Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Georgia, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Russia, Romania, Slovakia, the USA, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, the Czech Republic, and Estonia – with more constantly on the way. We offer shipping to over 130 countries worldwide, and we are ready to help you expand your business as much as your desire.

Live your life how you want

You should be able to work how you want, and live your life how you want. As an Independent Distributor with Coral Club, you are free to structure your business around your personal life, and you will not be tethered by deadlines or overbearing supervisors. If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life. We at Coral Club do not have bosses and colleagues - we have friends, partners, and like-minded people with whom we share a common mindset, from whom we learn new things, and thanks to whom we push our boundaries and expand our horizons.


In a typical company, your career growth is dependent on many external factors, such as the whims of management or the availability of suitable positions within the company. Coral Club doesn’t have such limitations. Once you meet the requirements for meeting a new rank, you achieve that rank – just as you deserve. Each new rank not only reflects the success you have achieved, but also provides new opportunities.


You are your own boss. You are free to determine your own schedule, which products you will work with, what goals you aim to achieve, and what means you will apply in pursuit of them. Your network is determined by you, as is your success. At the same time, we all understand that this freedom means taking responsibility for the decisions we make.


A person is only as good as their word, and the same goes for a company. At Coral Club, we are always open and honest with our clients, as well as our club members. The only way to really attract loyal customers is to be truthful and respectful to both them and their values. This openness also gives us all the confidence that what we are doing is the right thing – both for ourselves and for those with whom we have chosen to share the Coral Club journey.


The Coral Club experience brings joy and excitement - especially when shared with others. We enjoy our work, and we enjoy working with others. We travel together, have events together, and laugh together. Come join the fun!

Travel and adventures

As a self-made Independent Distributor, you can establish your own priorities and goals. Because you can conduct your business from anywhere in the world, you’re free to devote your time and energy to traveling the world and engaging with the people around you, if you should so choose. Having this global perspective makes you more adept at business communications with people from all walks of life.

Constant self-improvement

Business partnerships with Coral Club stimulate personal growth and the process of self-development, thanks to which a person learns new skills, achieves their goals, and increases their quality of life.

As a result of personal growth and work on oneself, we develop skills which will be useful for business. These include effective communication, a positive outlook on the world, leadership qualities, and the ability to mentor those around you.

Realizing your own potential allows you to do what you love, fill your life with excitement, and shape a new world around you.

Self-development is both a continuous process and an investment – in your business, but more importantly in yourself.

Change the world around you

The more you change, the more opportunities you have to change the world around you. Change it for the better!

Start with the basics – change your outlook. Stop living just for today, and make an effort to secure for yourself a stable and successful future. The gains you see today will act as stepping stones toward the incredible achievements that await you down the road. Surround yourself with like-minded people who also have a positive outlook on life, and together we will all work towards a better life!

Official information on Coral Club products and services can be found via the following sources:

We have created the following resources to help you develop both yourself and your business:


Here you will find information about the history, philosophy, and mission of the Company. Find details on Coral Club products and services, as well as news and event announcements. You can also place orders for products and clarify terms of delivery and receipt at sales offices. This is the Distributor’s personal account and the only official online Coral Club store.


This is the Company’s training platform — a system of step-by-step training courses in network business. It is based on the experience of successful Coral Club leaders, advice from Executives, product and business life hacks, master classes, and the latest product information.

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